Wave Tide

surfing sumbawa


Lakey (Lakai) Peak, a surf break on the south coast of the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, between Lombok and Timor. Lakey is a cluster of reef breaks well known to surfers and the site of an annual Rip Curl Gromsearch event.

The remote island of Sumbawa is located in the Indonesian archipelago east of the popular tourist island of Bali and Lombok. Sumbawa is quite a large island. This island measures about 280 kilometers long and taking about 12 hours to travel from east to west, and it varies in width from 15 to 90 kilometers. As you travel further east the islands become less traveled by tourists and conditions become more rustic with facilities for tourists becoming more limited. Compared to Bali and Lombok, Sumbawa is relatively uncrowded being about three times the size of Bali with less than a fourth the population. The people of Sumbawa are mostly farmers and ranchers by trade. In times they prospered through the sale of fine horses and fragrant woods (sapan and sandalwood), but now they live a much rougher life than do their Lombok and Bali neighbors to the west. The capital of Sumbawa is Sumbawa Besar, located on the western side of the island, however the most popular entrance point into Sumbawa is at Bima, on the east coast. Sumbawa has some beautiful countryside, dotted with small traditional villages and rice paddies for as far as the eye can see. Traffic throughout Sumbawa is fairly light in comparison to islands like Bali and Java, and often water buffalo strolling along the main road will cause you to slow and wait till they decide to clear the road for you to continue on. Sumbawa's distinctly Australasian climate, flora and fauna lend a thorny, dry and scrub-cutting edge to day-to-day life and survival.
 The right hander will often open up for a back door tube ride while the left is perfect for lip bashing and the occasional barrel ride. You don't have to be a pro surfer to enjoy the Peak that's for sure, but you do have to be aware of the mainly flat bottomed reef as the tide drops. Especially when the calendar is showing the full or new moon phase. Getting out to the Peak is easy with only a short 450 meter paddle or you can take the zodiac for around 2 dollars return. Lakey Peak can hold waves up to triple over head in that 6-8ft sector, but the optimum time to hit it is when it's in that perfect 4-6 Feet.


There is a left hander, and another right hander a bit more mellow infront of the Restaurant

Infront of the resort's Restaurant we haveTropical Left, a long ripable left hand pointbreak with waves breaking lonely day after day. 

There is also a right hand point on the other side of the channel. Fast at the takeoff and then breaks slowly into deep water channel. Perfect for beginners to sit wide on the shoulder.

If you get bored and lonely of surfing a perfect left, the surfguides will take you toYoyos or other local waves like Super Suck, Big BrotherScar ReefLittle Bingin,Donuts, and a few other secret spots... 

Yoyos picks up a lot of swell. Its a fun right hander good for all levels. 
Super Suck needs a bit more swell than other waves to break. Very good, extremely long rides!!! 
Scar reef  is a good left hander. There is another smaller super fun wave right next to it called little Bingin. Breaks left and right. 
There was a cost of Rp 50 thousand, Rp 100 thousand or USD 250 thousand.Along the western and southern coast of West Sumbawa regency has potential as a popular surfing area surfers around the world. Stretch of white sand stretching up to 25-30 kilometers.Surf here entered as a world surfing locations because it has a high difficulty level. Starting from the northern region, namely in Côte Jelenge and Maluk Beach at Subdistrict Jereweh, so in the southern hemisphere is in the Coast and Coast Rantung PesinDistance of each location is only 5 kilometers exception Jelenga Beach is located in District Jereweh - about 15 miles

There were three waves, namely Scarred Reef (nice choppy, but there are coral reefs to watch out for), Super Suck (very large waves, over three meters) and Yoyo (waves like a yo-yo). These waves are very interested surfers come bustling in the spring tide of the year. ''It was included in the book world surfing. This location is in front of the eye. Not nyari-nyari again,''said an owner of Tropical Beach Hotel there, Yuni White, some time ago.Thursday, December 22 last, a beach crowded with surfers, of which there Sarault Patrick, 27 years old, from Canada; Valerie Troisemaine, 30 years Caew French origin, and Viktor Schaub, 26 years old from Munich Germany. Each hunt comes to surfing sites that are not too crowded surroundings.